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Warm Affection Music Score

September 12th, 2017 by Ah Doe

This is a beautiful song that can be performed at weddings or any romantic occasions such as engagement, proposals or wedding anniversary. Yuhki Kuramoto, the self taught pianist and composer performs this song with the young Korean violinist Zia Hyunsu Shin.

It’s unbelievable to see how well Yuhki Kuramoto plays the piano after knowing that he did not attend any formal piano classes.

Warm Affection Music Score Preview
Warm Affection Music Score Preview

The free flow tempo of this music creates an expressive and romantic atmosphere. The constant implementation of crescendo and decrescendo makes the notation of this score slightly more challenging than the conventional rhythmic music style.

As simple as it may seem, this music is actually not easy to manage.

Click on the audio link below to listen to the demo of the music score arrangement:

If you wish to purchase this music score, you can begin by clicking the “Buy Now” button below:

USD 20.00

The complete piano sheet and its demo (In MP3 Format) will be emailed to you within 24 hours upon purchase. Should you have any questions regarding the purchase, please visit this page: How to purchase piano sheets from www.ahdoe.com? or email callme@ahdoe.com

4 Responses to “Warm Affection Music Score”

  1. sohhyun Says:

    i buy score and pay it

    but how can i check it? i can’t find it score

  2. Ah Doe Says:

    Hi Soh Hyun,

    The music score was delivered to your email address on the same day of purchase. The email could have landed in your junk mailbox.

    I have resent another email with the music score in its attachment. Please check your mailbox again.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Ah Doe

  3. CristiDe Says:

    ho appena effettuato un pagamento PER PUNTEGGIO WARM AFFECTION piano e

    violino ma non lo trovo
    grazie Saluti

  4. Ah Doe Says:

    Ciao CristiDe, la partitura musicale è stata inviata al tuo indirizzo email. Se non riesci a trovare quell’e-mail, prova a cercarla nella cartella della posta indesiderata o fornisci un altro indirizzo e-mail in modo che possa provare a inviare nuovamente.

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