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Spending Singapore National Day with SpongeBob SquarePants

August 9th, 2009 by Ah Doe

I have a new friend, his name is SpongeBob SquarePants!

Spongebob Squarepants Family

Oooo…how cute~

This year’s national day, I am afraid that I have to stay at home partly due to the notorious H1N1 virus. But still, it doesn’t mean that I am not celebrating the national day with the rest of the fellow Singaporeans. Firstly, today is a holiday (although we will have another replacement holiday tomorrow); secondly, a national day is still a day worth remembering for gaining its independence.

One thing special on this year’s national day: I am spending it with SpongeBob! 🙂

When I found myself so addicted to this fictional animated comedy, it’s already no doubt that I am an adult with a kid’s heart. I laughed so hysterically in every episodes and kept revising that every funny scenes. Oh, I am so helplessly in love with Spongebob!

To remember this special day that I watched the SpongeBob series, I made this piano sheet:

Sponge Bob Square Pants Theme Piano Sheet Preview
Sponge Bob Square Pants Theme Piano Sheet Preview

This extremely short piano sheet is in its original key, i.e. G Major. Lyrics and chords are included.

Ermm…sorry guys, but you’d have to imitate the start phrase (in French accent) by yourself before entering the melody. Just like how the cartoon begins:

Pirate in Spongebob Squarepants

Captain: Are you ready kids?
Kids: Aye Aye Captain.
Captain: I can’t hear you.
Kids: Aye Aye Captain

Without any delay, play this piano sheet below and sing your SpongeBob SquarePants theme.

Download link for Sponge Bob Square Pants Theme Complete Piano Sheet

3 Responses to “Spending Singapore National Day with SpongeBob SquarePants”

  1. SpongeBob Patrick Says:

    My little cousin loves SpongeBob so much, she’s 3 and everytime SpongeBob comes on TV, she goes psycho! 😀

  2. AhDoe - Music as an International Language » Blog Archive » List of Music Sheets Says:

    […] SpongeBob SquarePants Theme Song […]

  3. http://tinyurl.com/adsoduffy39218 Says:

    I actually wonder why you labeled this specific blog,
    “AhDoe – Music as an International Language » Blog
    Archive » Spending Singapore National Day with SpongeBob SquarePants”.
    In any event . I personally loved the article!Thanks
    for the post,Chelsea

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