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Bella’s Lullaby, from Twilight

March 21st, 2009 by Ah Doe

Just watched Twilight recently. The cinematography is nice, and really romantic for teens. I guessed I’m too old for it. Anyway, it serves as a nice popcorn break after work.

Twilight Poster

I can barely recognize Kristen Stewart although I knew that she was the child actor in Panic Room years ago. As for Robert Pattinson, I have to agree that this cute little guy is so stylish that I bet even aunties will scream for him! Now I can foresee the fight between him, Zac Efron from High Musical and Shia LaBeouf from Transformers to becoming the next hottest star.

I know I shouldn’t spoil the romance of Twilight, but I’d really like to share this “Twilight Trailer Spoof” with you all. Make sure you don’t watch this spoof video before you see the real Twilight movie ok?

From now onwards the original Twilight movie seems so funny than ever. Blame this spoof!

This is one of my favorite songs from Twilight Soundtrack: Bella’s Lullaby by Carter Burwell.

Bella’s Lullaby (Twilight) Piano Sheet Preview
Bella’s Lullaby (Twilight) Piano Sheet Preview

In this movie, Robert Pattinson plays this piano piece on the piano genuinely by himself, with the bellisimo Bella watching beside him after their flying experience (at no cost!) across the river valley…

This musical score is literally easy for everyone because there’s not so much of flying notes and chords.

Some quick notes about this piano sheet:

1) It’s in original key: A Minor

2) Chords included, no lyrics…purely instrumental

3) Remember to generate echoes with your pedal.

Download link for Bella’s Lullaby Complete Piano Sheet, from Twilight movie.

15 Responses to “Bella’s Lullaby, from Twilight”

  1. ClaraSchumannCat Says:

    thank you very much!

  2. twilight lover Says:

    hello i have a request for bellas lullaby but by robert pattinson not carter burwell please reply thanks . 🙂 .

  3. tweakAKA twilight freak Says:

    Hi, thanks for that copy of it but I really really really really really want the sheet music for what EDWARD played IN THE MOVIE please please please please please!! well…try? thanks

  4. Q Says:

    I thin it’s the same song…thanks so much for your arrangements! 🙂

  5. 112233 Says:

    its not the same song. edward plays the song called Claire de Lune

  6. Nonni Says:

    112233 Says:
    June 6th, 2009 at 10:20 am
    its not the same song. edward plays the song called Claire de Lune

    Actually Robert Pattinson (Edward) does NOT play Claire de Lune in the film “Twilight” . He plays an altered version of the piece referred to as “Bella’s Lullaby” , although composer Carter Burwell did not call it that. The original piece was considered to much in the minor key by film executives so Burwell made it less so for the scene in which Edward plays for Bella. And yes, Robert Pattinson did play it himself in the film. If you go to his website (Carter Burwells…
    Google his name to find it) he discusses the changes and gives clips to show the differences. The sheet music that can be puchased online ( from the film) is the original work, not the altered work. I am not sure if the arrangement in the film is even available as sheet music.

  7. LadyVet99 Says:

    This is a beautiful piece of music. Evenly matched to the movie in every way. I can’t listen to that piece of music enough. It is like a hypnautic suggestion that you willingly submit to. Thank you. :~)

  8. Marylee Shazier Says:

    I adore Twilight! I can’t wait for Twilight Eclipse! I’m so infatuated with taylor, lol.
    I still believe that the first film was better, but New Moon certainly wins in eye candy lol

  9. Eugene Vanzee Says:

    this is great ive bookmarked this one hehe

  10. kelvvin Says:

    reeeeealllly big help. thnkx 4 evrything!

  11. oli Says:

    hallo ich bin oli!!!
    im a big twilightfan!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i love twilight!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Me.. Says:

    Where can I find the whole notes for this song? I try to find them a long time but without success…If you can help me I will be thankful!!

  13. Valeri Says:

    I love twilight is my inspiration

  14. Shayde Says:

    Awesome!! thanks u so much!

  15. Gavin Says:

    Nothing beats a movie and popcorn after work.

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