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Archive for the ‘Music Sheets for Special Occasion’ Category

Happy Dog Year 2018! (Free Chinese New Year piano sheet coming soon!)

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018

It’s hard to believe that we have bade goodbye to 2017 and 2018 is already here. Someone forwarded this Chinese New Year greeting message:

which is not worth explaining I guess… (rolling my eyes)


It’s always fun to decide which Chinese New Year song to transcribe each year. Guess what, we have one more traditional one chosen for this year.

Gong Xi Fa Cai Piano Sheet Preview Ah Doe

Click on the audio link below to listen to the demo of the piano sheet arrangement:

While Ah Doe struggles to get this new piano sheet ready, you can also check out the Chinese New Year songs that’re available.

Please visit the following sites:

  • Celebrating New Year (贺新年)
  • Gong Xi Gong Xi (恭喜恭喜) Piano Sheet
  • Gong Xi Gong Xi (恭喜恭喜) Orchestral music score
  • It’s spring again (大地回春) Piano Sheet
  • Welcoming the blooming of spring flowers (迎春花) Piano Sheet

  • Christmas Special: Rudolph Red Nosed Reindeer piano sheet free download

    Saturday, December 16th, 2017

    Christmas 2017 is just 2 weeks away from now and Ah Doe’s going to share one piano sheet with everyone during this festive season.

    How I wish I have a pet like Rudolph…

    Merry Christmas with Rudolph and Santa 2017

    Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Piano Sheet Preview by Ah Doe

    About this piano sheet:

    1. It’s in its original key
    2. Tempo as indicated in the piano sheet

    Click on the audio link below to listen to the demo of the music score arrangement:

    Click on the link below for the free piano sheet in pdf format:
    Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Complete Piano Sheet by Ah Doe

    Best seller in 2017

    Friday, November 3rd, 2017

    1. Playing Love by Ennio Morricone Music Score

    Playing Love by Ennio Morricone Music Score by Ah Doe

    2. Memory by Joe Hisaishi Music Score

    Memory from Okuribito (The Departure) Music Score by Ah Doe

    3. Warm Affection by Ennio Morricone Music Score

    Warm Affection Music Score by Ah Doe

    4. No Limit by Bobby Young Music Score

    No Limit by Bobby Young Music Score

    5. Two Words Music Score

    Two Words Music Score by Ah Doe

    Balik Kampung on Hari Raya 2017

    Saturday, June 24th, 2017

    It’s Hari Raya again! Ah Doe wishes all Muslim friends a happy and blessed Hari Raya.


    Those who are working away from their hometown will be so delighted to travel back home to celebrate Hari Raya with their families. This explains the traffic congestion along the highways, the quietness in big cities and the fireworks around the neighborhood. The preparation for this festival and the travelling are worth it because it’s a long yearned family bonding time.

    Balik Kampung, in English which means returning home is a must play song during Hari Raya. It’s merry and joyous, a perfect song to describe the mood of those who are hurrying home to unite with their families.

    Balik Kampung by Sudirman Piano Sheet Preview

    Click on the audio link below to listen to the demo of the music score arrangement:

    This piano sheet is in its original key, which is D Major.

    The complete piano sheet and its demo (In MP3 Format) will be emailed to you within 24 hours upon purchase. Should you have any questions regarding the purchase, please visit this page: How to purchase piano sheets from www.ahdoe.com? or email callme@ahdoe.com

    Happy Rooster Year!

    Friday, January 27th, 2017

    Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!


    For free Chinese New Year piano sheets or music scores, please visit this link below:

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